experiments in AI | part 1

This may be a short set of experiments but nonetheless I’ve always espoused that to understand something you should dive in and give it a go. Although I’m still resisting TikTok. I did a little update around Lancia this week and I had plugged some prompts into MidJourney: Italian, elegance, future, automotive, fashion. Attributes thatContinue reading “experiments in AI | part 1”

Growth outlook: Winter is coming. Should I get my coat?

About this time of year everyone gets their crystal balls out and we all know most of it is made up and hoping rather than knowing. But what feels different this year is that universally every agency person has the same level of optimism around new business. And that level is pretty bloody low. SittingContinue reading “Growth outlook: Winter is coming. Should I get my coat?”

we don’t like clients

We had a meeting last week. We were hosting, not actually part of the meeting. Just lending the Bank of Brilliant Ideas to a client to have an off-site. Much coffee and croissants prepped, we also gave each person our new notebook that has ‘we don’t like clients’ on it. It had the effect weContinue reading “we don’t like clients”

it’s a fantasy world full of deviants…

Way back in 2006, there was a thing called Second Life. And web 2.0. And every agency person and marketer I knew was falling over themselves to do something. Anything! I recall many presentations explaining what it was all about and trying to act like I knew what I was talking about while being bemusedContinue reading “it’s a fantasy world full of deviants…”

Going on a Birss-a-thon

I met Dave a couple of years ago when I had booked to go on the Spark.me conference on a  whim. It was in Montenegro. I didn’t know what to expect but it was great for a number of reasons. I came away inspired, enthused and excited. One of the stand-outs was the working sessionsContinue reading “Going on a Birss-a-thon”

Talk it out

Clear your head in 60 minutes? For free? Absolutely. Chris Barez-Brown believes that a ridiculously simple approach to mental-health and wellbeing will benefit everybody. He openly admits its not the answer to everything but it can help. He’s so determined to prove it can work that he’s teamed up with a leading University to runContinue reading “Talk it out”

thoughts from #creativeindustries webcast

I watched and live tweeted my thoughts on the Digital Horizons: Commercialising Innovation webinar earlier this week. A lot of bullshit bingo, Rory Sutherland stole the show (and really could/should have just been him talking for 40 mins), the guy from Sony was interesting but the film guy was dull and the woman from Dragon’sContinue reading “thoughts from #creativeindustries webcast”