Bid on a bonkers NFT of me as coffee table to raise money in memory of David Amstel

We shot me as coffee table as part of our new agency film. All a bit of daft agency type fun. I shared it a week or so ago and got some fun responses. My good friend Jennifer said I should do a limited calendar run. Which made me laugh out loud. And then theContinue reading “Bid on a bonkers NFT of me as coffee table to raise money in memory of David Amstel”

Talk it out

Clear your head in 60 minutes? For free? Absolutely. Chris Barez-Brown believes that a ridiculously simple approach to mental-health and wellbeing will benefit everybody. He openly admits its not the answer to everything but it can help. He’s so determined to prove it can work that he’s teamed up with a leading University to runContinue reading “Talk it out”

How to live a remarkable life

This is Thalassa. Thalassa is happy. Not just because of the Tony’s Chocolonely in her hand. Because she’s engineered a way to make her work fit her life goals. Just look at her and how happy she is. She always had a dream to live and work in Barcelona, a city she feels is homeContinue reading “How to live a remarkable life”

From always on to mostly off

I can remember my first wireless mobile device. It was a BlackBerry. I got it even though officially my grade wasn’t high enough but because I had to deal with a range of clients and partners in the Wunderman network across Europe in person and across email and calls. A BlackBerry would help. And atContinue reading “From always on to mostly off”

Everything has changed but nothing has changed

As part of my little experiment, I’m going to read more and share more. Here’s some thoughts on Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari. Where years later we’re still doing the same things our ancestors did. This staggering book is a tour of the last 70,000 years of humankind. How we cameContinue reading “Everything has changed but nothing has changed”

Tools of Titans or Follies of Fools? Today’s the day.

Today is the 31st January 2018. I’m two years into co-running my own business. It’s demanding but we have great clients and projects. I have a stable and demanding home life and a loving family. But I’m feeling overwhelmed. Not so much that I can’t cope and need time out. But that I’m far tooContinue reading “Tools of Titans or Follies of Fools? Today’s the day.”

Introducing Zuck – Facebook’s new Chief Creative Officer

Yet again, a Facebook newsfeed update garners more column inches in our feeds than atrocities happening across the world. But that’s the echo chamber we live in. So here’s my thoughts. After being lauded for doing ker-azy things as CEO like spending a year in another country or visiting every state in the US justContinue reading “Introducing Zuck – Facebook’s new Chief Creative Officer”

Postcards from the beach – 2017 edition

At the end of September, I spent two days by the beach listening, learning and starting to live again. Curated by the self-styled most selfish event organiser in the world, Matt Desmier, Silicon Beach is a complete mystery. You have some idea of some of the speakers but no idea when they talk, what theyContinue reading “Postcards from the beach – 2017 edition”