it’s a fantasy world full of deviants…

Way back in 2006, there was a thing called Second Life. And web 2.0. And every agency person and marketer I knew was falling over themselves to do something. Anything! I recall many presentations explaining what it was all about and trying to act like I knew what I was talking about while being bemusedContinue reading “it’s a fantasy world full of deviants…”

dark side of second life

Sky News report into paedophilia in Second Life. Unfortunately I guess it was bound to happen but so very wrong and disturbing. While many people enjoy Second Life and have a lot of fun and even conduct business, this should never have a place in the real or virtual world. Causes you to consider whereContinue reading “dark side of second life”

socially (ir)responsible advertising | part 3

The NEE political party in Belgium has come up with a novel way of securing votes. It started out as a parody of other parties promising votes and escalated to the party leader, Tania Derveaux offering 40,000 blow jobs either in person or in second life. Shall I sign up on behalf of Oldthumper CarlbergContinue reading “socially (ir)responsible advertising | part 3”

you only live twice

As Virtual Worlds 2007 kicks off (yes, there’s a conference now), I thought I would share this video from Australia ABC network (thanks to Ben Liebmann) that acts as both an introduction to Second Life and its possibilities and also could act as a reference point to clients and colleagues who are buzzing about it,Continue reading “you only live twice”