Talk it out

Clear your head in 60 minutes? For free? Absolutely. Chris Barez-Brown believes that a ridiculously simple approach to mental-health and wellbeing will benefit everybody. He openly admits its not the answer to everything but it can help. He’s so determined to prove it can work that he’s teamed up with a leading University to runContinue reading “Talk it out”

How to live a remarkable life

This is Thalassa. Thalassa is happy. Not just because of the Tony’s Chocolonely in her hand. Because she’s engineered a way to make her work fit her life goals. Just look at her and how happy she is. She always had a dream to live and work in Barcelona, a city she feels is homeContinue reading “How to live a remarkable life”

Introducing Zuck – Facebook’s new Chief Creative Officer

Yet again, a Facebook newsfeed update garners more column inches in our feeds than atrocities happening across the world. But that’s the echo chamber we live in. So here’s my thoughts. After being lauded for doing ker-azy things as CEO like spending a year in another country or visiting every state in the US justContinue reading “Introducing Zuck – Facebook’s new Chief Creative Officer”

Postcards from the beach – 2017 edition

At the end of September, I spent two days by the beach listening, learning and starting to live again. Curated by the self-styled most selfish event organiser in the world, Matt Desmier, Silicon Beach is a complete mystery. You have some idea of some of the speakers but no idea when they talk, what theyContinue reading “Postcards from the beach – 2017 edition”

Digital vs Traditional: what works best for you?

Latest thought piece in Marketing Business Forum on digital and traditional marketing. Print circulation numbers are down. On-demand and streaming services – sans un-skippable ads – are on the up. So what’s a marketer to do? Ditch the dinosaur channels and throw the entire budget at Larry, Sergey, Zuck and their contemporaries? Targeting, re-targeting andContinue reading “Digital vs Traditional: what works best for you?”

can american apparel recover from bankruptcy?

Article I penned in The Drum on how American Apparel can recover from bankruptcy following lurid accusations in the boardroom, porn as advertising and poor performance at the tills. Recovering from bankruptcy is the easy part. There have been plenty of resurrection stories down the years with some big names surviving because of their importance toContinue reading “can american apparel recover from bankruptcy?”

i blame the gorilla

The Independent ran an article highlighting the number of ads that featured music from the 80s. The Drum asked me to write a response to it. I blamed the gorilla. You can say it’s all about fashion and trends and everything comes around again. And again. But I blame the gorilla. It’s his fault. SittingContinue reading “i blame the gorilla”

is outdoor advertising ‘visual pollution’?

I got to represent the advertising industry (I know, really) in a small BBC World Service radio show called Business Daily that went out to a small audience of 1.3m people globally on 2nd June. After a quick line at the start, I come in at c. 12 mins. Here’s the synopsis: Do ubiquitous advertising likeContinue reading “is outdoor advertising ‘visual pollution’?”

this is what excellence in integrated digital communications looks like

We won an award recently and I can’t tell you how thrilled I am. It was for the work we’ve been doing for Align Technology to generate awareness and lead generation for Invisalign across Europe. The award was for the 2013 consumer campaign, “Smile and the Whole World Smiles With You” received the Excellence in IntegratedContinue reading “this is what excellence in integrated digital communications looks like”